Friday, June 17, 2011

That's Just Jessi

      These are a few of my favorite things: sunsets, waterfalls, snowflakes, tea parties, a good book, studying/reading God's Word, writing, cooking, playing piano, singing, teaching music, bubble baths, watching movies, rain, collecting antique tea pots/cups, scrap booking, lazy days, drinking hot teas, Starbucks, Barnes & Noble, Hobby Lobby, Olive Garden, the idea of traveling to England, Italy and France, my kids' laughter, my husband's smile, classical, country and Christian music, Sinatra, Jane Austen, Gone with the Wind, fall and winter, the colors red and chocolate brown.
     These are a few of my un-favorite things: dusting, dirty dishes, vacuuming, insects of any kind, movies too violent, Texas heat, Chinese or any Asian food, Seafood of any kind, bad manners, people who have no sense of humor, rude people with no common sense, books that make no sense.   

      Right now I am watching a Jane Austen movie, while sipping hot, earl grey tea and munching on a slice of cinnamon bread in the middle of June even though it is 100 degrees outside, because that is Just Jessi and that is how I roll. lol

    Jess ;-)